Due to my experience, I'm
also passionate about everyone having access to affordable and secure health insurance. Had
the Affordable Care Act been around ten years ago, it would have protected my
family and I from a mountain of stress about continuation of access to affordable health care. Family stress and anxiety over health insurance: After the 2002 accident, due to disabling injury,
I no longer had ability to compete to maintain my United States Olympic Committee Elite Athlete Health Insurance. The
USOC failed to provide any security of continuation of health insurance. The
risk was my head injury could turn into a "pre-existing condition" on short notice. Takeaway: My family did not have security/peace of mind of access to health insurance until Medicare kicked in 2 1/2 years later. ** A personal goal is of mine is that no other person experience health insurance trauma. ** Forward #ACA * In May 2002, Kimberly2004.com was launched as a very different site. The objective was to be fundraising for Birkenfeld's Athens 2004 Olympic Campaign. x |